Interventional cardiology is a branch of cardiology that deals specifically with the catheter based treatment of structural heart diseases. A large number of procedures can be performed on the heart by catheterization.
Echocardiogram (ECG)
An ECG is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart obtained by placing stickers containing electrodes on the limbs and the surface of the chest. This simple procedure provides a basic assessment of the electrical functions of the heart.
It is not necessary to be admitted to hospital for this procedure. An Echocardiogram will take about 30 minutes.
Treadmill Stress Test
This test is used to evaluate the response of the heart to exercise using a treadmill. Wear comfortable light clothing e.g. tracksuit legs or loose pants and comfortable non-slip walking shoes or trainers. Have a light snack or drink before procedure. Avoid coffee or caffeine products for 24 hours prior to test. If you are a diabetic have your usual breakfast or lunch and diabetic tablets/insulin.
Please bring the following with you:
Doctor's note/appointment card
All your medications
Test will take approximately 45 mins
If you are taking any of the following prescribed BETABLOCKERS DO NOT take them on the morning of your test:
An Echocardiogram (echo) is an ultrasound study used to evaluate cardiac structure and function.
The test is performed by a cardiac technician using a probe and jelly on the chest wall to obtain images, which are subsequently interpreted by a Consultant Cardiologist.
It is not necessary to be admitted to hospital for this procedure. An Echocardiogram will take about 30 minutes.